
What are Cookies?

We at Software Engineering Network use cookies in order to make the website function as good as possible. A Cookie is a small text file that is stored in the visitor’s browser and is used in order to improve the functionalities of the website, but also to give you the best service possible.

There are two types of cookies which are the following:

  • Persistent cookies – stays in the visitor’s computer under a determined period.
  • Session cookies – are stored temporary in the computer’s memory during the visit of a website. These cookies will be erased when a visitor is closing the browser.

Software Engineering Network's use of Cookies

In this website Vercel is used in order to both track and report the website’s traffic. The purpose of Software Engineering Network’s use of Vercel Analytics is to analyze cookies that are generated by you as a visitor. Only visitor statistics are analyzed in an overall level, which cannot identify you as a person.

Do you want to remove or block Cookies?

As a visitor you can remove cookies that are already stored or block the use of cookies by using the settings of your browser. Information on how to proceed can usually be found in the browser’s help-menu. It is important that you should know that cookies can be stored automatically by most browsers and that specific functionalities can cease or cannot function fully if cookies are removed or blocked.

If you want to read more information about cookies you can visit the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority who monitors the electronic communications and postal sectors in Sweden.

If you want to learn more about Software Engineering Network’s treatment of personal data, you can read our Privacy Policy.